Income Tax Guide for Tax Practitioners


Income Tax Tables: Individuals

Natural person or special trust

Tax rebates: Individuals

Tax thresholds: Individuals

Medical scheme fees tax credits per month

Local interest exemption: Individuals

Tax free investments: Individuals

Donations tax

Estate duty

Fringe benefits

Travel costs

Retirement benefits

Capital gains tax

Income Tax Tables: Corporate Tax

Companies and Trusts

Small Business Corporations (SBC)

Micro Businesses

Learnership agreements

Value Added Tax (VAT) Rates and Amounts

Value Added Tax (VAT) Rates and Amounts

Transfer Duty

Transfer Duty Rate

Withholding Taxes: Transactions with non-residents

Withholding Tax Rates


Understatement penalties

Fixed amount penalties

Interest rates

Prime interest rates

Prescribed and official interest rates

Foreign Exchange Allowances

Foreign Single Discretionary Allowance (SDA)

Export of Krugerrand coins

Travel allowance

Study allowance

Foreign Capital Allowance (FCA)

Residents temporarily abroad

Import payments: credit and debit cards

Import payments: Authorised Dealers

Connected persons

Connected person rules: Income Tax

Wear and Tear and Capital Allowances

Capital allowances

Wear and Tear rates


Residency test

Ceasing to be a tax resident

South African interest

Foreign interest

South African dividends

Foreign dividends

Tax-free investments

Restraint of trade receipts

Foreign trading activities

Foreign employment income

Foreign lump sum, pensions and annuities

Unemployment insurance, death and other compensation benefits


Non-residents tax

Business income

Dividend income

Interest income

Rental income on fixed property

Rental income on moveable property

Remuneration and fees


Foreign entertainers and sportspersons

Disposal of fixed property by non-residents

Service fees paid to non-residents

Withholding taxes on interest and royalties paid to non-residents

Allowances and reimbursements

Allowance vs reimbursement

Travelling and car allowance

Reimbursive travel allowance

Subsistence allowance

Uniform allowance

Fringe benefits

Fringe benefits

Acquisition of an asset at less than the actual value

Long service awards

Low cost housing

Right of use of an asset

Use of a company motor vehicle

Free or subsidised meals and refreshments

Residential accommodation

Holiday accommodation

Free or cheap services

Insurance policies

Low interest or interest free loans

Payment or release of employee's debt

Bursaries and scholarships

Relocation benefits

Medical aid contributions, expenses and credits

Costs relating to medical services

Contributions to retirement funds by employer

Share incentive schemes

Deductions for Individuals

Retirement fund contributions


Home office expenses

Travel expenses

Tax credits:Ā Individuals

Temporary rooftop solar incentive

Retirement benefits


Lump sums received from an employer

Severance benefit

Lump sum benefits received from South African retirement funds

Tax on a retirement fund lump sum or severance benefit

Tax on a retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit

Tax neutral transfers to other funds

Exemption of qualifying annuities

Companies and Trusts

Small Business Corporations

Personal Service Providers

Micro Businesses

Bodies Corporate


Public Benefit Organisations

Recreational Clubs

Employment Taxes

Remuneration and variable remuneration

Employees' tax

Employees' tax certificates

EMP501 returns

Employment Tax Incentive (ETI)

Skills Development Levies (SDL)

Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)

Learnership allowance

Insurance policies

OtherĀ Taxes

Dividends Tax

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Donations Tax

Estate Duty

Securities Transfer Tax (STT)

Provisional Tax

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)


Doubtful debt allowance

Interest free or low interest loans with trusts (Section 7C)

Tax Administration Matters

Lodging a complaint with the Office of the Tax Ombud (OTO)

Tax compliance status

Notification of an audit

Request for relevant material

Persons who may be interviewed by SARS

Assistance during field audit or criminal investigation

Issuance of assessments

Estimated assessments


Reduced assessments

Objections against an assessment or decision

Payment of tax

Liability of third parties

Refunds and interest

Delivery of documents

Deregistration of non-compliant tax practitioners

Illegal use of the SARS trademark

Penalties and interest

Administrative non-compliance penalties

Percentage-based penalty

Remittance of penalties

Understatement penalties

Remittance of interest


Criminal offences

Tax evasion, fraud or theft

Voluntary Disclosure Programme (VDP)

Retention of records