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Here is what you need to do next:
Please download and complete this Excel Spreadsheet
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Scroll down to see what to do next
Thank you for submitting the spreadsheet
This is what will happen next:
- You will receive an invoice from Probeta Training
- Please send the proof of payment to [email protected]
- We will register all your delegates on to the relevant training Hub
- The delegate will receive an email with their login details.
- Once they are logged in, they are ready to start with the course.

Before you log off there is one more thing that I want to share with you
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One more thing!!!
You can track your trainee's progress on these Hubs by asking them to register their details on the Post Assessment Results Portal.
This is a centralised website where all roleplayers can individually keep track of post-assessment results for all post-assessments completed on any hub. Post assessment details can be exported in a report format to PDF or Excel, and training officers can request proof of completion of training/post assessments from roleplayers, by asking roleplayers to download these reports.
Each roleplayer will individually need to register a results portal account, by providing basic details, such as name and surname, email address, and creating a password. The results portal is accessible from within a hub, in the “My Library” screen.
Send this link to your trainees and ask them to register their details on the Post Assessment Results Portal